Monday, March 4, 2013

Been a while

Zamn, I haven't used this since high school! I didn't think I would ever come back to it actually. I randomly stumbled upon it and maybe I can use it to vent? ehhh, who knows. Wanna know something about me that I've only told my best friend?

I have social anxiety.

In fact, today I had one of my worst panic attacks yet. And I didn't even think I would get them! But it happened. I suppose it was a build up of stress from school and also from a situation I surprisingly will keep secret. It was a fear/anticipation of seeing someone I've never met before, I will say that. I can't believe it triggered me to have an attack though. I get anxiety but I rarely get attacks. I mean, I've only had a couple in my life. Until now *sigh*

When I first started going to Western, It was difficult for me to just walk on campus. There were so many people around me and it freaked me out. Peoples looks, their eyes, I couldn't handle it. Weird, right? I hate people looking at me. I finally discovered that I had a mild case of general social anxiety and I'm currently trying to help myself rather than go get help from a professional. I feel like I'm doing ok.... I've accepted it. Today's attack came as a surprise but I will use it as a learning experience and hopefully ward them off in the future.

I don't think I will even keep using this blog haha, feels good to write though ^_^