Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Your Second Love

It's really weird to try to love again after your first love. It's so different. Your feelings are different, how you act is different, and maybe even your expectations are different. It's also quite difficult to open yourself up to love again, especially if you got your heart broken the first time.

I'm not currently in love again for the second time, but I am trying with a new person. It's been an interesting experience to say the least.

When I first 'fell in love' it was a whirlwind of emotions. I felt so crazy about him and I didn't have a doubt in my mind. It's like you get all this giddiness for the person and it's a teenager romance for sure. The second time though... it's not the same. It's more of a calm sureness, a steady stream flowing. I don't feel all these overwhelming emotions but just a sure likeness. Maybe it's because this time it isn't solely based on emotions, but rather a collection of similarities and friendship. I'm not saying one is better than the other, they're just different. I do like that our relationship is based on these things because it seems more like a solid foundation. My first love and I fizzled out, so maybe this second time around it won't.

This second time also has been a steady growth of feelings and liking. My first love it all just happened so fast and hit me! But this time, as time goes on I like him more and more. Maybe at some point as time passes  I will have all these crazy emotions for him, but only time will tell.

These differences aren't bad, but just that, differences. I'm taking it day by day and learning as I go. All I can do is try to open myself up to this new person and hope for the best. I've already had my heart broken so I'm not really scared for it to happen again. I know what to expect and I don't think it will be as bad the second time around.

I guess what I really want to say is, don't be scared to try again. It won't be the same, it's going to be messy and it's going to be hard, but try again. If there is one thing I've learned so far in life it's that love is so important and it's real. And you can love again.

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